It's time to get MORE from your salon business . . .


Your pathway to earning 50k+ from your salon business, without 'hustle', without 'grind' and without overwhelm.

It's time to take back control ...

If you seem to be working harder and harder and taking ever more work home with you, but still can't seem to get ahead financially in your business, you know that guessing is no way to set your prices.

Thousands of business owners have the same struggles and let me tell you this, it doesn't have to be so difficult. If you want to build your business on strong foundations, if you want to get rewarded for your hard work, if you want to take away the guesswork and confusion from your business, there IS a better way . . .

It's time to Get Paid Properly

Sophie's Story

When I was introduced to Sophie, I was stunned. It was the shortest conversation I've ever had with someone before they made a purchase.

You see, Sophie's spending was, as she says, 'out of control'. She'd got caught in the trap of adding more services, more machines, more products to her salon business, hoping that the next 'great idea' would be the one to change her fortunes and finally get her into profit.

Just weeks after starting Get Paid Properly, she finally understood where the problems in her business were. The program made it really clear what needed to be done and showed her how to price her services profitably.

Just a few months later, she was paying herself a proper wage. Now, she's earning great money just working 3 days a week and has time to go to university to further her career.

Well done, Sophie!

Imagine pricing your services so that you make the money you deserve ... having the confidence to set top-end prices ... understanding how money works in your salon business.

👻 SPOOKTACULAR October pricing 👻

Join now and SAVE!

Meet salon and beauty business coach,
Phil Jackson

Building a business isn’t always easy. I've been an award-winning salon owner and now a salon coach - so I should know!

I’ve been running my own hair salon since 2001. I’ve seen most things: resignations, recession, screaming customers. You're a busy person as a business owner. I'll bet you juggle being a leader, mentor, manager (even plumber!) with your home life.

I’ve enjoyed some great stuff in the salon business too: awards, recognition and (finally) financial freedom for me and my family.

Now as salon business coaching takes over from my own hair business, I'm determined to help you master the skills you need to grow a salon you can be proud of.

To finally generate the profits you deserve and to lead a fuller life.

Phil Jackson - Salon Coach

Salon and Beauty Business coach - Phil Jackson

This program is designed to give you ...

  • Pricing that not only covers your costs, but helps you achieve your money goals too

  • I'll help you with your money mindset, motivation and give you a simple toolbox too

  • The entire program is designed to build your personal income to 50k+

Praise for Get Paid Properly


Get Paid Properly is like my pocket accountant!

I am TERRIBLE at maths, and would totally put my head in the sand when it came to doing my numbers.

Now I have Get Paid Properly, I can easily keep track of the numbers because the program does it for me.

Going through the modules made me really think about my prices and instead of basing them on well, nothing, they’re now based on actual profit making.

Best program ever!

Sarah Humphreyson, EQ Lounge, Plymouth


Phil has made understanding your figures so easy.

More than that though, now have the confidence to charge prices in my clinic far higher than I was before. I'm hitting money goals I couldn't have dreamt of.

It really has challenged my mindset around money and made me feel able to charge my worth.

The training is a no-brainer for me. It's paid for itself many times over.

FOCUS on the work that actually


Here's what you get with the
Get Paid Properly program

  • Simple, easy-to-follow videos so that you can learn at your own pace

  • 9 complete modules to improve your money mindset, help you understand how money works in your business and give you the tools you need to feel in control

  • Your easy-to-understand Dashboard with all the information you need to run your business effectively

  • Pricing Spreadsheet that shows you what to charge - to the minute - to make sure you're covering your costs AND smashing your profit targets

  • Lifelong access and any future updates are included too - this is a resource you'll want to keep coming back to


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You are just a couple of clicks away from having the knowledge and understanding you need to jump in the driving seat of your salon or clinic business.

Get Paid Properly

Spooky Special!



No-quibble 90 Day Guarantee

Watch the training, do the exercises, take the 1:1 call and if you DON'T feel you're better prepared to price your services,
I'll coach you MYSELF until you do!

No quibbling - you WILL be able to price properly at the end of this training, guaranteed.

Ready for more?

It's time to TAKE CONTROL!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I have access to the training for?

Your access is for life! Plus you'll receive the latest version of the training any time it is updated.

Note that you have three months to redeem your free 1:1 call.

I'm a solopreneur. Is the training for me?

The training is suitable for clinics and salons of any size.

Do I need to be good with figures?

I've designed the training to take you by the hand through the money in your business. I don't assume you have any prior knowledge. There is a little simple maths, but don't worry - with lifetime access you can learn at your own pace.

Do I need to install any software? How do I access the training?

You can access the training on any web browser. You'll be emailed access instructions after you sign up. There's no need to install anything - you can even access the training on your phone.

Ready to Get Paid Properly?